Basic rules for Peppol Advanced Despatch Advice 1.3 (T120)
Automatically generated rules to validate document instances of Peppol Advanced Despatch Advice 1.3 (T120).
Identifier/Error message | Flag |
PEPPOL-T120-B00101 Element 'cbc:CustomizationID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00102 Element 'cbc:ProfileID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00103 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00104 Element 'cbc:IssueDate' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00105 Element 'cbc:IssueTime' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00106 Element 'cac:DespatchSupplierParty' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00107 Element 'cac:DeliveryCustomerParty' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00108 Element 'cac:Shipment' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00109 Element 'cac:DespatchLine' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00110 Document MUST not contain schema location. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00701 Value MUST be part of code list 'Document status code (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Despatch advice type code (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01001 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01201 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01401 Value MUST be part of code list 'Document name code, full list (UNCL1001)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01701 Attribute 'mimeCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01702 Value MUST be part of code list 'Mime code (IANA Subset)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01703 Attribute 'filename' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02001 Element 'cbc:URI' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01601 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B01202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02201 Element 'cac:Party' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02301 Element 'cbc:EndpointID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02302 Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02401 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02402 Value MUST be part of code list 'Electronic Address Scheme (EAS)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02701 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02901 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B03101 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B03701 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B03901 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04001 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B03902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B03102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04101 Element 'cbc:CompanyID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04102 Element 'cac:TaxScheme' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04301 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04103 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04501 Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04701 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04702 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04901 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05101 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B04502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05301 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02303 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B02202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05701 Element 'cac:Party' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05801 Element 'cbc:EndpointID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05802 Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05901 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05902 Value MUST be part of code list 'Electronic Address Scheme (EAS)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B06101 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B06201 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B06401 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B06601 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07201 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07401 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07501 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07402 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B06602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07601 Element 'cbc:CompanyID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07602 Element 'cac:TaxScheme' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07801 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07802 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B07603 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08001 Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08201 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08202 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08401 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08601 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08402 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B08801 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05803 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B05702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09201 Element 'cac:Party' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09401 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09501 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09701 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09901 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10501 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10701 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10901 Element 'cbc:CompanyID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10902 Element 'cac:TaxScheme' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11101 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B10903 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11301 Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11501 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11502 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11701 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11901 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B11302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B12101 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09301 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B09202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B12501 Element 'cac:Party' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B12701 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B12801 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B13001 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B13201 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B13801 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14001 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14101 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B13202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14201 Element 'cbc:CompanyID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14202 Element 'cac:TaxScheme' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14401 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14402 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14203 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14601 Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14801 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14802 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15001 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15201 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B14602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15401 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B12601 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B12502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15801 Element 'cac:Party' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B16001 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B16101 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B16301 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B16501 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17101 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17301 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17401 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B16502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15901 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B15802 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17501 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17601 Value MUST be part of code list 'Type of Shipment ID (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17901 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17902 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18101 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18102 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18401 Attribute 'currencyID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18402 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 4217 Currency codes'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18701 Value MUST be part of code list 'Type of Consignment ID (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19001 Value MUST be part of code list 'Handling Code (TRED4079)' or 'Handling code (Beast, openPeppol)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19002 Attribute 'listID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19401 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19501 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19701 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B20501 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B20701 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B20702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19901 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B20901 Element 'cbc:CompanyID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B20902 Element 'cac:TaxScheme' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21101 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B20903 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21301 Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21501 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21502 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21701 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21901 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B21302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22101 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22501 Element 'cac:IdentityDocumentReference' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B19301 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22901 Element 'cbc:TransportServiceCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B23701 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B23901 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B23902 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B23702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B24401 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B24201 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25001 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25201 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25301 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25302 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B24901 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B24801 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B23101 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25501 Element 'cbc:EnvironmentalEmissionTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25502 Element 'cbc:ValueMeasure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25901 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25902 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B25503 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B22902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B18602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26101 Element 'cbc:TransportModeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26201 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommandation 19 (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26301 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 28 (UN/ECE) Transport Means'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26501 Element 'cbc:AircraftID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26701 Element 'cbc:LicensePlateID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26901 Element 'cbc:TrainID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27201 Element 'cbc:VesselID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27401 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27402 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27501 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27601 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27602 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27403 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26401 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B26102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B28301 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29201 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29501 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29401 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29601 Element 'cbc:CoordinateSystemCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29602 Element 'cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29603 Element 'cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29801 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29802 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B30001 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B30002 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B30201 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B30202 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B29604 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B28601 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B28201 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B30401 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B31301 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32001 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32201 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32301 Value MUST be part of code list 'Country codes (ISO 3166-1:Alpha2)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32401 Element 'cbc:CoordinateSystemCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32402 Element 'cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32403 Element 'cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32601 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32602 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32801 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32802 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33001 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33002 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B32404 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B31201 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B30901 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33501 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33201 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B27801 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33701 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33702 Element 'cbc:TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Type of Transport Handling Unit ID (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34001 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommandation 21 (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34101 Value MUST be part of code list 'Handling Code (TRED4079)' or 'Handling code (Beast, openPeppol)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34102 Attribute 'listID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Transport equipment type code (UNCL8053) '. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34901 Value MUST be part of code list 'Size type code (TRED8155)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B34602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35301 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35302 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35401 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35501 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35502 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35303 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35701 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35702 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35901 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B35703 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36101 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36102 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36201 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36301 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36103 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36501 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36502 Element 'cbc:Quantity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36801 Attribute 'currencyID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36802 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 4217 Currency codes'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B37001 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B36503 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B37401 Element 'cbc:PackagingTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B37501 Value MUST be part of code list 'Type of Transport Handling Unit ID (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B37801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommandation 21 (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B38001 Element 'cbc:PackagingTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B38301 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommandation 21 (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B38501 Element 'cbc:PackagingTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B38801 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommandation 21 (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39001 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39002 Element 'cbc:Quantity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39301 Attribute 'currencyID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39302 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 4217 Currency codes'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39501 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39003 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39901 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39902 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40001 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40101 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40102 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B39903 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B38502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40301 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40302 Element 'cbc:Quantity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40601 Attribute 'currencyID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40602 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 4217 Currency codes'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40801 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B40303 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41201 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41202 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41301 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41401 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41402 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41203 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B38002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41602 Element 'cbc:Quantity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41901 Attribute 'currencyID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41902 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 4217 Currency codes'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42101 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B41603 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42501 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42502 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42601 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42701 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42702 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42503 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B37402 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B33703 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B17502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42901 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42902 Element 'cbc:DeliveredQuantity' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42903 Element 'cac:OrderLineReference' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42904 Element 'cac:Item' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B43201 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B43202 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B43401 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B43402 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B43701 Element 'cbc:LineID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44001 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B43702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44301 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44501 Value MUST be part of code list 'Document name code, full list (UNCL1001)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44801 Attribute 'mimeCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44802 Value MUST be part of code list 'Mime code (IANA Subset)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44803 Attribute 'filename' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45101 Element 'cbc:URI' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44701 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B44302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45301 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45501 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45701 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45901 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45902 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46101 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46201 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46202 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46501 Element 'cbc:ItemClassificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46601 Attribute 'listID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46602 Value MUST be part of code list 'Item type identification code (UNCL7143)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B46502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B47301 Value MUST be part of code list 'Dangerous goods regulations code (UNCL8273)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B47801 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B47802 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48001 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48002 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48201 Element 'cbc:PackingCriteriaCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48401 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48402 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48601 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48602 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48403 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B47001 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48801 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48802 Element 'cbc:Value' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B49401 Attribute 'listID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B49701 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B49702 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B48803 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B50101 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B50201 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B50401 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B50601 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B51201 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B51401 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B51402 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B50602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B51601 Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B51602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B50001 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B52301 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B51801 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B52601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B52602 Element 'cbc:CertificateTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B52603 Element 'cbc:CertificateType' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B52604 Element 'cac:IssuerParty' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53101 Element 'cac:PartyName' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53201 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B52605 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53401 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53402 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53501 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for despatch advice (UNCL6313 Subset) T120'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53601 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53602 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B53403 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B45302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B42905 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T120-B00111 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |