A coded identification of what VAT category applies to the document level allowance or charge.
- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2- Data type
- Code
- udt:IdentifierType
- Example value
- Business terms
- BT-95,BT-102
- Code lists
- Duty or tax or fee category code (UNCL5305)
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag BR-32
[BR-32]-Each Document level allowance (BG-20) shall have a Document level allowance VAT category code (BT-95).fatal BR-37
[BR-37]-Each Document level charge (BG-21) shall have a Document level charge VAT category code (BT-102).fatal BR-O-13
[BR-O-13]-An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT" shall not contain Document level allowances (BG-20) where Document level allowance VAT category code (BT-95) is not "Not subject to VAT".fatal BR-O-14
[BR-O-14]-An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT" shall not contain Document level charges (BG-21) where Document level charge VAT category code (BT-102) is not "Not subject to VAT".fatal BR-CL-17
[BR-CL-17]-Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code listfatal DE-R-016
If one of the VAT codes S, Z, E, AE, K, G, L, or M is used, an invoice shall contain at least one of the following elements: "Seller VAT identifier" (BT-31) or "Seller tax registration identifier" (BT-32) or "SELLER TAX REPRESENTATIVE PARTY" (BG-11).fatal