BEAst: .Identifies what the Name and Value contain. ListID is always BEAST:4.0. Possible values are: DeliveryUnit, Destination1, Destination2, Destination3, Destination4, Destination5, Destination6, Destination7, Destination8, UnloadingInstruction, ArticlePropertiesNeC + value in T0011, T6444+T6443(ListID). Peppol: Code for the item property according to a property code system.
- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2- Data type
- Code
- udt:CodeType
- Example value
- Business terms
- tir01-p024
- Attributes
Use Name Description M @listID Name code list id.
An identifier for the code list used for the Name code, this is bilaterally agreedExample value:
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag PEPPOL-T01-B30801
Attribute 'listID' MUST be present.fatal