BEAst: Peppol: A group of business terms providing information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Business terms
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:Name

Item attribute name
BEAst: BEAst:RentalDeliveryStatus (T6505); BEAst:BuyersContact (T6709); BEAst:DeliveryPeriodStartDate (T2051); BEAst:RentalTimeQuantity Time for which an article is to be debited for. (T6478); BEAst:RentalTimeQuantityUOM Unit of measure for RentalTimeQuantity; BEAst:RentalQuantityValue To be used to describe the quantity delivered in a rental case.; BEAst:RentalQuantityValueUOM Unit of measure for DeliveredQuantity (T6706); BEAst:SiteID; BEAst:PriceMatrix; BEAst:SuppliersContact (T0113) Peppol: The name of the attribute or property of the item.

Example value: BEAst:RentalDeliveryStatus

1..1 cbc:Value

Item attribute value
BEAst: Peppol: The value of the attribute or property of the item.

Example value: 100