- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2- Child elements
Card Name Description 1..1 cbc:EndpointID Buyer electronic address
Peppol: Identifies the Buyer's electronic address to which the invoice is delivered.Example value:
0..1 cac:PartyIdentification PARTY IDENTIFICATION
0..1 cac:PartyName PARTY NAME
1..1 cac:PostalAddress BUYER POSTAL ADDRESS
Peppol: A group of business terms providing information about the postal address for the Buyer. Sufficient components of the address are to be filled to comply with legal requirements.0..1 cac:PartyTaxScheme PARTY VAT IDENTIFIER
1..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity PARTY LEGAL ENTITY
0..1 cac:Contact BUYER CONTACT
Peppol: A group of business terms providing contact information relevant for the Buyer.