cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:AttributeID

Attribute Id
Height - The vertical height of the orderable unit. Length - The horizontal measure of the longer site of the orderable unit. Width - The horizontal measure of the shorter side of the orderable unit. Weight - The weight of the orderable unit incuding its packaging. Package Net weight approximately. Package Net weight exact. Package volume.

Example value: LN

0..1 cbc:Measure

The measure for the dimension attribute

Example value: 45

0..n cbc:Description

Dimension description
Used for differentiating between measures with same attributeID

Example value: Height

0..1 cbc:MinimumMeasure

Minimum storage temperature or minimum Storage Humidity
The lower margin of the recommended storage temerature range for the item.

Example value: 43

0..1 cbc:MaximumMeasure

Maximum storage temperature or maximum Storage Humidity
The upper margin of the recommended storage temerature range for the item.

Example value: 47

Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided.