cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
0..n cbc:Description

Item description
BEAst: Product Information (T6037). Peppol: Free-form field that can be used to give a text description of the item. A detailed description of the item.

Example value: Office chair by John Doe.

0..1 cbc:PackQuantity

Packed quantity
The number of packed units that are in the orderable unit. E.g. if the orderable unit is a pallet that contains 30 boxes then the packed units are BOX and the packed quantity is 30.

Example value: 30

0..1 cbc:PackSizeNumeric

Consumable unit quantity
Specifies the number of consumable units that are in each orderable unit.

Example value: 1

1..1 cbc:Name

Item name
BEAst: Article Description (T6226). Peppol: A short name for an item.

Example value: Office chair

0..n cbc:Keyword

Item key words
Used to specify searchable keywords and/or synonyms for the Item. E.g. Item Name = Colgate or Total / Keyword =Toothpaste

Example value: Toothpaste

0..n cbc:BrandName

Brand name
A Brand name for the item

Example value: Johnson's

0..1 cac:BuyersItemIdentification

Buyer item identification

0..1 cac:SellersItemIdentification

Sellers item identification

0..1 cac:ManufacturersItemIdentification

Manufacturer item identification

0..1 cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification

0..n cac:ItemSpecificationDocumentReference

Item specification document reference

0..1 cac:OriginCountry

Origin country

0..n cac:CommodityClassification

Commodity classification

0..n cac:TransactionConditions

Transaction condition

0..n cac:HazardousItem

Hazardous Item

0..1 cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory

Classified tax category

0..n cac:AdditionalItemProperty

Additional item property
A group of business terms providing information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.

0..1 cac:ManufacturerParty

Manufacturer party

0..n cac:ItemInstance

Item instance

0..n cac:Certificate

Item label information
Information about the items environmental, social, ethical and quality type of labelling.

0..n cac:Dimension


Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided.
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.