Used to specify information about the fuel and fuel consumption.
- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2- Child elements
Card Name Description 1..1 cbc:AttributeID Attribute identifier
BEAst: EnergyContent = T6428, ConversionFactor = T6429, FuelConsumption = T6374, DrivingDistance = T6380, DrivingTime = T6381, FuelMeasurementMethod = T6728, EngineType = T6379, RenewableFuel = T6382. One of DrivingDistance and Driving time must be provided. If both are available, both should be sent. Peppol: To define the type of measurement. EnergyContent, ConversionFactor, FuelConsumption, DrivingDistance, DrivingTime, FuelMeasurementMethod, EngineType, RenewableFuel.Example value:
0..1 cbc:Measure Measure
The measured value. Used for EnergyContent, ConversionFactor, FuelConsumption, DrivingDistance, DrivingTime and RenewableFuel. unitCode refers to T6706.Example value:
0..1 cbc:Description Attribute value
Description of the attribute when there is no value to measure. Used for FuelMeasurementMethod and EngineType. Possible values are for FuelMeasurementMethod: "AutomaticMeasurement", "StandardEstimate", "ManualMeasurement" and for EngineType: "Euro2", "Euro3", "Euro4", "Euro5", "Euro6", "Euro7", "EuroStageII", "EuroStageIIIA", "EuroStageIIIB", "EuroStageIV", "EuroStageV", "EV", "FuelCell", "Hybrid" and "PHEV".Example value:
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag PEPPOL-T120-B23701
Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T120-B23702
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.fatal