- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2- Child elements
Card Name Description 1..1 cbc:LineID Order line identifier
BEAst: Calloff Line Reference (T6336)/Reference to Order Line (T3322). Use NA if this is not available. Peppol: To uniquely identify the line of the order that is being despatched.Example value:
0..1 cbc:SalesOrderLineID Sales order line number
BEAst: The sellers orderline number (T6462). Peppol: Reference to the sellers orderline number.Example value:
0..1 cac:OrderReference Order reference
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag PEPPOL-T120-B43701
Element 'cbc:LineID' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T120-B43702
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.fatal