Basic rules for Peppol Weight Statement 1.3 (T122)
Automatically generated rules to validate document instances of Peppol Weight Statement 1.3 (T122).
Identifier/Error message | Flag |
PEPPOL-T122-B00101 Element 'cbc:CustomizationID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00102 Element 'cbc:ProfileID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00103 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00104 Element 'cbc:IssueDate' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00105 Element 'cbc:IssueTime' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00106 Element 'cbc:WeightStatementTypeCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00107 Element 'cac:SenderParty' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00108 Element 'cac:ReceiverParty' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00109 Element 'cac:WeighingParty' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00110 Element 'cac:Shipment' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00111 Document MUST not contain schema location. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00701 Value MUST be part of code list 'Weight Statement Type Code (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00801 Element 'cbc:EndpointID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00901 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00902 Value MUST be part of code list 'Electronic Address Scheme (EAS)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B01101 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B01201 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B01202 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B01401 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B01601 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B02201 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B02401 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B02402 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B01602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B02601 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00802 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03001 Element 'cbc:EndpointID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03101 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03102 Value MUST be part of code list 'Electronic Address Scheme (EAS)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03301 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03401 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03402 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03601 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03801 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B04401 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B04601 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B04602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03802 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B04801 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B03002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05201 Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05301 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05401 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05402 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05601 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05801 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B06401 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B06601 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B06602 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05802 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B06801 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B07201 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B05202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B07701 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B07801 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B07802 Value MUST be part of code list 'ISO 6523 ICD list'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B08001 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B08201 Element 'cac:Country' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B08801 Element 'cbc:Line' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09001 Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B08202 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09201 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B07601 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09601 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09602 Element 'cac:GoodsItem' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09701 Value MUST be part of code list 'Type of Shipment ID (openPEPPOL)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09901 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09902 Element 'cac:MeasurementDimension' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10101 Element 'cbc:Name' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10301 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10302 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10501 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10502 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10701 Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10801 Attribute 'schemeID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10702 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11001 Element 'cbc:ItemClassificationCode' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11101 Attribute 'listID' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11102 Value MUST be part of code list 'Item type identification code (UNCL7143)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11002 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B10102 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11501 Element 'cbc:AttributeID' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11502 Element 'cbc:Measure' MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11601 Value MUST be part of code list 'Measured attribute code for weight statement (UNCL6313 Subset) T122'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11701 Attribute 'unitCode' MUST be present. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11702 Value MUST be part of code list 'Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B11503 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09903 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B09603 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T122-B00112 Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model. |
fatal |