- Message
[BR-CO-13]-Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = Σ Invoice line net amount (BT-131) - Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) + Sum of charges on document level (BT-108).
- Context
- Test
((cbc:ChargeTotalAmount) and (cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount) and (xs:decimal(cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount) = round((xs:decimal(cbc:LineExtensionAmount) + xs:decimal(cbc:ChargeTotalAmount) - xs:decimal(cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount)) * 10 * 10) div 100 )) or (not(cbc:ChargeTotalAmount) and (cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount) and (xs:decimal(cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount) = round((xs:decimal(cbc:LineExtensionAmount) - xs:decimal(cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount)) * 10 * 10 ) div 100)) or ((cbc:ChargeTotalAmount) and not(cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount) and (xs:decimal(cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount) = round((xs:decimal(cbc:LineExtensionAmount) + xs:decimal(cbc:ChargeTotalAmount)) * 10 * 10 ) div 100)) or (not(cbc:ChargeTotalAmount) and not(cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount) and (xs:decimal(cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount) = xs:decimal(cbc:LineExtensionAmount)))
- Usage