Used to specify Transport Equipment details associated with this Transport Handling Unit.

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:ID

Identifier transport equipment
An id for the physical transport equipment e.g. a container number.

Example value: 34563444

0..1 cbc:TransportEquipmentTypeCode

Tranport equipment type code
An code specifying the type of equipment.

Example value: CN

0..1 cbc:SizeTypeCode

Size type code
A code signifying the size and type of this piece of piece of transport equipment. When the piece of transport equipment is a shipping container, it is recommended to use ContainerSizeTypeCode for validation.

Example value: 10

0..1 cbc:RefrigerationOnIndicator

Indicator refrigeration transport equipment
An indicator that this piece of transport equipment's refrigeration is on (true) or off (false).

Example value: true

0..1 cbc:Description

Description transport equipment
A textual description of the transport equipment.

Example value: A 20 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.

0..1 cbc:PowerIndicator

Power indicator transport equipment
An indicator that this piece of transport equipment can supply power (true) or not (false).

Example value: true

Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided.
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.